- Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) use up to 80% less electricity than incandescent light bulbs to produce the same amount of light, and they can last up to 10 times longer!
- The energy label found in all refrigerators and air-conditioners at the point of sale helps you identify and select an energy efficient model that suits your needs. The more ticks, the more energy efficient the model is.
- You can use three fans to keep cool and you would be using only about a quarter of the electricity used by an air-conditioner! The energy consumption by the air-conditioning unit increases with the difference between the room and outdoor temperatures.
- Switch off home appliances at the power socket. Standby power can account for up to 10% of your home electricity use. Do not leave them on standby. Save about $50 a year.
- After switching off your appliances (e.g. televisions, computers, printers, VCD, DVD and CD players) with the remote control, many of them continue to draw power. To reduce standby power, turn off these appliances at the power socket.
- Never overload refrigerator or washing machine as it may consume extra power to function.
August 24, 2010
Go Green Tips
6 Energy Saving Tips - Did you know?
6 Energy Saving Tips - Did you know?
Written By Hamsi on August 24, 2010 | 12:25 PM
Go Green Tips
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