How does a petrol pump know when to shut off when the fuel tank is full?
A sensory device, located a couple of centimeters from the end of the nozzle, does nothing while petrol is flowing into the tank, but is tripped as soon as fuel backs up into the nozzle. The sensing device tells the nozzle to shut off. Because of the location of sensing device and the relatively deep position of the nozzle, a petrol tank is never totally filled unless the customer or attendant tops off the tank. Topping off the tank is illegal in most places and is dangerous practice anywhere.
How did Levis 501 get its name?

Levi Strauss was a dry goods merchant in California. He sold a wide range of products. The original Levi Jean was the 501 and this number was simply its arbitrary stock number according to Levi Strauss and Co. Spokesperson Ban Williams, Strauss disliked applying the term 'Jeans' to his garment, so he promoted the 501 as 'waist-high' overalls.
Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze?
Dr. Pat Barelli, Rhinologist explains that the sneeze reflex is a protectective phenomenon. The sneeze clears the nose and head and injects oxygen into the cells of the body, provoking much the same physiological effect as sniffing snuff. When a person sneezes, all body functions cease. Tremendous stress is put on the body by the sneeze especially the eyes.
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